Introduction to Homeopathy : Mother Tinctures


What is Mother Tincture in Homeopathy?

What is Mother Tincture?

Mothertincture refers to the herbal extracts. In a very cases, mother tincture is made of natural minerals or some animals. A mother tincture contains the lowest possible potency of any particular homoeopathic preparation. They are very much helpful in treating various health problems but you should always consult a doctor before taking any mother tincture homeopathic medicine.

Mother tinctures have fast action and they remain effective for a long time. This makes them quite popular among people. At Schwabe India, you can get high quality mother tinctures. These extracts, are easily accepted by the body. Homeopathic mother tincture is the first stage in the preparation of a remedy dilution.

Since the discovery of the Homeopathic system by Dr. Hahnemann, Mother Tinctures have been in use for treating various conditions and also used in preparing further dilutions and potencies. Mother tincture refers to the herbal extracts. Mother tincture is made of natural minerals or some animals. A mother tincture contains the lowest possible potency of any particular homoeopathic preparation. Mother tinctures have molecular action and they remain effective till their action ceases. Unlike crude drugs, these extracts, are easily accepted by the body. Homeopathic mother tincture is the first stage in the preparation of a remedy dilution.

Homeopathic mother tinctures are prepared from the following sources:





Benefits of mother tinctures

Mother tinctures are totally safe in use, as is indicated, for any disease condition. They can be taken internally and also used externally as the condition demands.

Mother tinctures have direct actions unlike dilutions which act by stimulating body’s own defense mechanism.

They are used as a palliative medicine for many cases.

Mother tinctures are prepared with the aid of alcohol so as it is readily absorbed in stomach and intestine. Action of the medicine starts within 3 to 4 minutes and these actions remain for several hours.

It is used in most cases of emergency or acute cases such as Blood pressure, acute stone pain, dysmenorrhoea, etc.

Mother tinctures are also indicated in bruises as a cold compressor, external application as antiseptic and in wound healing.

In this series we will be learning more on different kinds of Mother Tinctures and their uses.

Abelmoschus MT 

Is used mainly as a stimulant, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic and carminative.  It improves digestion.  Homoeopathically it is used in anxiety in children, fear of animals, apathy, dribbling urination, dropsy, tetanic rigidity with modality like eating non-vegetable and desire for cold foods and drinks.  It is reported to be useful in nervous debility, hysteria and other nervous disorders. It has diuretic and antispasmodic action as well. Recent studies have established it antidiabetic activity.

Abroma augusta MT

 Is used for albuminurea, sleeplessness, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus and debility. The root and the sap are uterine tonic and emmenagogue, with black pepper given in congestive and neuralgic dysmenorrhoea, and amenorrhoea, either given a week before or during menstruation. It is a valuable substitute for Hydrastis, Viburnum and Pulsatilla. There is a growing evidence for its hypoglycaemic effect both in vivo and in vitro.

Blog will continue ... Happy reading...
